Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Annotation 5

Chadwick, Ruth. "Gender and the Human Genome": Some Issues in Women's Studies, and Other Essays. Mens Sana Monograms, 2009. Print.

Chadwick discusses the genetics of genders and its affects on the individual. She addresses the issues of reproductive decisions in women stating its the individual's personal choice opposing the ideas of the eugenics movement. She also states the idea of diseases among a fetus and ways of prevention. This concept affects both children and the adult but the woman has the ultimate dictation in consideration to the fact that it is her body.

The bias provided is that Ruth Chadwick is a woman and provides a more feministic viewpoint. Her argument stands besides the free will of women and their ownership of their own decisions. She does not factor in a strong male perspective leading to an unbalanced argument.

This article relates to my argument as it addresses the genetic underlying basis for gender differences compared to all psychological. This provides me with a stronger sense of the actual force at work within men and women.

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