Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sources In Conversation

  • The lenses attributed to my sources could be defined as lenses formed by the difference of the concerns of the genders. They revolve around the idea that men and women consider different aspects of situations out of nature.
  • These lenses provide one with a stronger sense of the innate differences between men and women when making decisions. All lenses of my sources share similar lenses and both prove to contain similar objectives.
  • Questions:
  1. Why are women more concerned with the general welfare of the people?
    As mothers of all humanity, their maternal instinct drives them to associate their decisions with a focus on morality.
  2. Why is that men's paternal instinct is not as strong as the women's maternal instinct?
    Men are typically the provider of the family leading to their interest in their own personal benefit opposed to focusing on the general people.
  3. Why are women more risk aversive than men?
    Typically women work less than men leading to a feeling of uncertainty and unfamiliarity when dealing with economics. They are attributed the feeling that men are more experienced with such surroundings causing them to become more reliant on the male perspective.
  4. Why do women tend to be less confident?
    They tend to base their decisions upon emotions opposed to factual information leading to a feeling of lacking legitimacy.
  5. Why are men typically more confident?
    Men posses stronger confidence as they are given stronger senses of optimism as women tend to be more pessimistic.

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