Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Phase 1 Drafting

Throughout not only American society but all societies across the earth, the battle of the sexes has roared for years, centuries even. People attribute certain characteristics to each gender and create ideal personas set for both males and females. But to what degree are these set personas valid? What is their basis for these stereotypes?

Men and women have constantly faced the issue of stereotypes pertaining to gender. Men are considered somewhat as authority figures and withhold the ultimate masculinity. Women are of opposing stereotypes as they are associated with being the homemaker and accessories to men. Most attempt to defy these stereotypes and prove them to be inaccurate. It is evident that, in some sense, women have been suppressed by men. Women were of the latter to receive voting rights and a position within the workplace. In this aspect, it would appear that women had no choice but to attain to this overwhelming stereotype but to what degree can one really avoid placing blame among the women themselves? The dilemma faced between the sexes is not a question of superiority, although some people have attributed it to this, but a question of this stereotypes origin in nature. What portion is rather self-imposed?

It is seen in many circumstances that men and women tend to hold to their stereotypes of masculinity and femininity when making decisions. This finds its roots within natural instinct and confidence levels. Although both men and women strain their defiance of being held within the category of their stereotype, the way they form and construct their decisions immediately reflects their natural interests. These interests wholly originate from their own personal concerns stemming from their degree of masculinity and femininity.

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